A new poll from Kentucky should lay to rest any Democrat's fear that standing behind a plan to get U.S. forces out of Iraq by this time next year will hurt them.
at this, from a poll of 600 voters in Kentucky:
Would you favor or oppose a plan to begin withdrawing troops from Iraq this summer, and have almost all troops out of Iraq by the middle of next year?
Don't know.....7%
As you may know, President Bush has proposed an increase of twenty-one thousand additional troops in Iraq. Do you favor or oppose President Bush's troop increase in Iraq?
Strongly favor.....21%
Somewhat favor.....15%
Total favor.....36%
Somewhat oppose.....14%
Strongly oppose.....45%
Total oppose.....59%
Don't know.....4%
How would you rate the job George Bush is doing handling the war in Iraq -- excellent, good, not so good, or poor?
Total Positive.....32%
Not so good.....27%
Total Negative.....67%
Don't know.....1%
This poll gives some pretty bad news to McConnell, with 61% of respondents saying he votes with Bush too often, and just 34% saying he represents their view on Iraq. Remember the
Texas polling I wrote about a few days ago?
Voters in Texas give President George W. Bush a negative job rating (47% positive – 51% negative) and they are split in their opinion as to whether their family would be better off with a Democratic or Republican majority in the United States Senate (41% Democrats – 43% Republicans).
A strong plurality of voters in Texas believes the country is headed in the wrong direction (34% right direction – 49% wrong direction). Voters give President Bush an even more negative job rating on his handling of Iraq (41% positive – 57% negative).
That's not enough evidence of how much the American people want out of this war? How about this, a
survey of likely Republican caucus participants in Iowa:
QUESTION: Do you favor a withdrawal of all United States military from Iraq within the next six months?
Yes 52%
No 39%
Undecided 9%
The argument from Blue Dog Dems, from any Dem, that their district or state won't allow them to stand with Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi in the post-veto fight to set a deadline for getting us out of Iraq, just won't fly.
Update: The House just approved the Iraq supplemental funding bill, 218-208, 2 voting present.